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Empty State

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Empty state provide users with feedback on the reasons behind the empty state and what they can do to move out of the empty state.


When should I use the default animations?

There are three default animations available to communicate empty state. The scenario for each empty state and animation is shown below:

Empty dataset: There are no elements in the data set at a certain level

satellite navigating in the space

satellite navigating in the space

Empty search results: The filters or search results return zero results.

 navigating in the space

Empty state for success: The user has emptied the dataset for a good cause. For example, all the notifications have been addressed, resulting in a clean state.

satellite navigating in the space


Inside a dataset display

satellite navigating in the space

These attributes are used for an animation:

  1. Animation
  2. Text: limited to one line (Required)
  3. Message: limited, but we recommend to use a maximum of 30 words
    • Do not make messages personal, unless they are preferable for the context.
    • Do not leave one word alone on a line.
    • Do not use "your".
    • Do not use exclamation marks.
    • Use common language and not jargon.
  4. Button: Primary or secondary button

satellite navigating in the space

The margin from the container to the top element is 80px.

satellite navigating in the space

Secondary Empty State

satellite navigating in the space

Is not always necessary to have an animation or image in the Empty State. For those cases, you can use a composition with the main text, message and a button for the actions.

  1. Text: limited to one line (Required)
  2. Message: This follows the same rules as an animation's message.
  3. Button: A small primary or secondary button

satellite navigating in the space

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