Liferay.Design / Lexicon
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Heatmap Chart

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The Heatmap Chart is a visual representation of the data using colors to indicate the values.

Heatmap chart

Color use

Lexicon currently provides a series of color sets for the Experience Cloud analytics design. For the heatmap, you must use a single color value and white for the time-spots.

Shapes use

To improve the activities readability, you can use up to seven different circle items (bubbles) inside the chart: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32.


Single item interaction

heatmap interaction with an element in the chart

X-axis item interaction

heatmap interaction with an element in the chart

Y-axis item interaction

heatmap interaction with an element in the chart

Legend item interaction

heatmap interaction with an element in the chart

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