Design Disruptors Screening

6:30pmDiamond Bar, California

It was a rainy day in Southern California so of course traffic was terrible. That probably impacted our attendance, but those who made it out had a great time!

Brief Summary

Invision was kind enough to allow us to host an exclusive screening of their documentary "Design Disruptors". I believe we were only the second screening in Los Angeles!

Film Synopsis From Invision

Our future is designed.

DESIGN DISRUPTORS is a full-length documentary featuring design leaders and product designers from 15+ industry-toppling companies—valued at more than 1 trillion dollars combined.

The film chronicles the true nature of design and the design-driven business revolutions being shaped around the world through the designers eyes.

Get a never-before-seen look into the perspectives, processes, and design approaches of leaders at industry-toppling brands and discover how these companies are disrupting billion dollar industries through design.

Biggest Takeaways

The film did a great job explaining what Design is, the importance of it, and how some of the best designers are creating success in their organizations. Some highlights:

  • Art ≠ Design
  • "Everything is designed. Not everything is designed well"
  • "If we’re not thinking about diversity, then we’re not thinking about people."

Special Thanks

We really appreciate InVision for letting us share this film with our team and community, it was a great educational experience for all and definitely started lots of great conversations!

Visit Design to learn more about the film!


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